As the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2021, people across the United States and the World welcomed the New Year and of course, new year’s resolutions. According to, 62% of Americans plan to engage in obtaining better health within the new year. The introduction of healthier options within the C-Store industry is not a new idea, but as motivations and resolutions are high among the public, now is the best time to capitalize on this movement.  

Eating Healthier

Who Wants Healthier Food?  

The generalized short answer to this question is: everyone. However, today’s C-Store consumer demographic includes high numbers of millennials and Generation Z individuals who were brought up during a time when our population was focused on being health-conscious, introductions of calorie count on menus, and overall awareness of health. Large fast-food chains introduced salads and fresh wraps to their menus, exercise and diet trends dominated newsfeeds, and engaging in self-care became a priority among Americans. Naturally, C-Stores joined the cause, but there is still some catching up to do to engage these consumers.  

When considering where to stop and eat, hungry patrons typically consider the following:  

  • Convenient location 
  • Type of food offered 
  • Taste 
  • Affordability  
  • Speed of service 
  • Health and nutrition 

When deciding on food options within your C-Store, these bullet points should factor into determining what you offer your customers. It is safe to say that this healthy movement is no longer considered a trend or a fad, but a necessity in the industry.  

In a survey conducted by, they asked the question, “In general, how healthy do you feel that foods in convenience stores are?” The responses indicate that C-Stores need to alter their reputation for healthy foods provided in stores.  

survey on healthier options in C-Stores

By starting to offer healthy options that consumers want, the reputation of your store will change organically. C-Stores, known for their salty snacks, caffeinated beverages, and quick stops will evolve into places known for not only indulgent and easy quick items, but also a convenient place to stop to quickly grab something that works with your diet is nutritious, and makes you feel good about what you are putting into your body. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, provide both to both types of consumers.  

Healthier Options found in C-StoresWhat Healthier Foods Do They Want? 

It is one thing to recognize the need for healthier options, it is another entirely to stock the shelves with healthier foods. What sells? What keeps? How much do I have on hand?  

When considering what to offer, research is key. Here are some items that consumers have found excited to find in a C-Store: 

  1. Pre-made salads 
  2. Fresh fruits and vegetables 
  3. Organic and vegan options 
  4. Korean kimchi bowls 
  5. Non-GMO soda 
  6. Organic juices 
  7. Milk alternatives 
  8. Protein bars and packs 
  9. Cheese, nuts, and salami packs 
  10. Yogurt 
  11. Hummus 

Stocking coolers and shelves with organic produce and products engage the health conscientious shopper. Purchasing foods with no additives, dyes, and processed components is a great way to appeal to the mother picking up food for her children, the busy professional who didn’t have time to pack their lunch, or the person heading home from the gym who needs something to eat. Consider looking into locally grown organic solutions if your area allows, and feature that front and center. Partnering with local farmers and growers adds an additional sense of community and care to your C-Store.  

Additionally, C-stores that provide the option of hot made-to-order items on site have offered freshly made varieties of these options and included smoothies, sandwiches, fresh avocado, and soups for customers to enjoy.  

Another way to attract consumers is by offering options that apply to certain dietary needs or trending diets. Whether it is a vegan, vegetarian, or diabetic consumer—they will know that they can stop at your store to find what they need and what they can eat. Investing in items that coincide with diets such as Keto, Atkins, or the Paleo Diet. This type of attention to the customer will set you apart from other stores in your area and keep them coming back for more when they need a quick-stop food option. 


quantum services inventory servicesOffering a quick stop alternative to encourage a healthy balanced diet is the goal, and through trial and error, you can determine what works in your store and in your location. With the assistance of inventory services from Quantum Services, you can quickly and confidently assess what is working and what is not. Our inventory auditors come in, count the shelves, and compile data that is shared with the C-Store that shows what is selling, what is working, and what is not. With the comfort of knowing that our numbers and data are accurate and sound, you can plan accordingly to make sure that you have everything on your shelves that your customers need. We offer several different services and would love to chat with you about how we can help you embrace this change and gain customer engagement within your store!