Quantum Team

What Can Employers Do During the Demographic Drought? 

For employers, the demographic drought is complicated. In addition to the impact of the pandemic, which led many working parents and older workers to step out of the labor force due to caregiving demands and health concerns, we also have generational shifts and tightened immigration policies that continue to present a hiring challenge to employers. 


The aging of the baby boomer population and not enough younger people to make up for their retirement and foreign worker caps mean that employers can’t necessarily bring in all the labor they need to fill the workforce gaps. Here is where we can help!  

Demographic Drought Concerning C-Stores: How We Can Help 

Demographic Drought Labor Shortage

The labor shortage that plagued retailers in 2021 is continuing in 2022, and it’s unclear when the situation will begin to improve. Many retailers are trying to do more with fewer staff, but also retain the staff they do have. The good news is that we can help! We provide innovative solutions to help retailers do more with less and keep their current staff happy. 

What we do: 

We are the largest inventory audit service firm focused solely on the c-store market; we provide full-time auditing teams who understand how to solve your greatest inventory challenges. Each day, we save our clients time and money through accurate, tailored reporting and actionable insights. 

Our teams perform financial, hybrid, and item-level scan inventory audit services for convenience stores across the country. Our auditors are the front-line force to help our clients maintain accurate inventory data so they can reduce and control loss.

Sheetz Inventory Success demographic drought


How we can help: 

Quantum can help relieve the stress of hiring internal auditors. Our team and their experience help management have a better understanding of store operations and how to run their store most effectively. If you have Quantum as part of your team, you can operate your C-Store more efficiently with less staffing. Let us do the work for you!   

 Hiring quantum means experienced auditors entering your store and partnering to address best practices. We will ensure your store has more profit and runs smoother overall.  

Chevron Cost Savings

How can the c-stores continue to evolve their labor strategies to remain competitive in 2022 and beyond? 

Here are the things that we have found helpful in retaining our teams and attracting new employees: 

  • Benefits-Retailers need to understand that it’s not all about wages for workers, it is also benefits! 
  • Culture is an integral component & consistent messaging with front-line staff. Ensuring employees have a place where they can voice their concerns is beneficial.  
  • Effective communication– Ensuring that all messaging gets out to team members, in a timely manner. 
  • Dedicated outreach to those currently on the periphery of the job force—parents and grandparents not currently employed, individuals who’ve been involved in the criminal justice system. Training part-time and nonsupervisory workers for full-time, higher-responsibility roles and creating new roles that will meet the company’s needs.  

QS helping the demographic drought

If you’re doing the things listed above and want to truly dedicate your time and energy into what is best for your c-store, let us handle your auditing needs. We can help alleviate some of the current pressure you’re facing with a limited workforce. Hiring a Quantum team member to handle your inventory auditing will free up someone internally and they can focus on other aspects of the c-store. Let us know how we can get in touch so we can share more about our people, processes, and services, and remove some of your workforce stress!