Know your customer and encourage them from the pump into your c-store.  

Know your customers at the pump

It is the million-dollar question for every c-store owner, how do we bring in more foot traffic? What items do we sell? What promotions will work? Is the loyalty program really creating the ROI we are looking for? At Quantum Services, we only know the facts and they help all of our clients succeed in converting data into dollars. Here are keys to success to help to know your customer and encourage them to walk through your door.   


Know Your Customer

The most effective way to promote more foot traffic into your store is to know your customer. The data from each inventory audit will tell you what you need to know 

Key data points that help c-stores:  

  • What time of day are most of your sales 
  • What is your sales cycle 
  • What products are your customers spending their money on? 
  • What food service items are selling out and which ones are aging out on the shelves 
  • Who spends the most money? 

Key points that your staff should know:  

  • What are the demographics of your customers 
  • Where are they coming from 
  • Who comes in every day and what is their name 
  • Does your team have a relationship with those who frequent your c-store? 

Other critical data? 

  • Don’t forget the target – that customer who does not come into the store. Try to ask yourself “why isn’t that person coming in?” And when they DO come in (although seldom) what ARE they buying? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves when creating a strategy to entice them into our c-stores. It is all a part of getting to know your customer.  


Quantum Services soda selection

Create The Experience Quantum Services candy bars

Once you have reviewed the data it is time to do the work to create the messages and experience within your store. Often some of the easiest solutions are right at your fingertips 

  • Use your store wisely. The pump, your windows, bathrooms, are all areas to place a message. Knowing your buyer helps you determine the most effective ways to message and share what they want to know.  
  • Identifying your best-selling products and advertising them out where the pump is, helps to drive customers into your c-store 
  • Use signage outside to drive traffic inside. 
  • Use signage inside to reinforce buying habits. 
  • Create a promotion. Did the data tell you that your buyers love white wine? If so, place it on sale from 4-5pm each day. Grab consumers’ attention by offering deals or a limited promotion if they go into the store to buy something they want. And you know what they want because you have taken the time to know your customer 
  • Develop your loyalty program. Loyalty is about creating a habit. Now that they have taken the time to walk into the store and they see how easy, nice, and friendly it is, it can sink in as a habit.  
  • Take time to build the relationship. The connection between the customer and your team is critical to success. We know that clients buy more when your team: 
    • Cleans and organizes the store 
    • Takes the time to say hello and goodbye 
    • Ensures the checkout counters are clean and the wait time is minimal for transactions 



By taking the time to get to know our customers, creating a promotion or strategy, and having a clean and friendly store– they keep coming back, resulting in increased sales, and helping to create a relationship connection ensuring they want to make their next stop inside your store.